How to replicate data across clouds with Zenko Orbit

The video below shows two demos of Zenko solving real-life issues faced by developers that need to replicate data across multiple clouds. Developers need to support multiple storage options for their applications and dealing with the complexity of multiple APIs is hard. Even without writing applications with multi-cloud support, the egress costs of transferring large […]

Written By Paul Speciale

On June 19, 2018

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Solve the challenges of large-scale data, once and for all.

The video below shows two demos of Zenko solving real-life issues faced by developers that need to replicate data across multiple clouds. Developers need to support multiple storage options for their applications and dealing with the complexity of multiple APIs is hard. Even without writing applications with multi-cloud support, the egress costs of transferring large amounts of data across clouds can force choice, reducing options. Zenko is designed to empower developers giving them freedom to choose the best storage solutions for their application while keeping control of where data is stored.

The video below shows two demos with real-life use cases. The first use case is that of a developer who prefers to use Amazon Glacier as archive of choice and wants to use Google Cloud machine learning service. Some of the data needs to be available in Google Cloud for faster processing but Glacier is slow and egress costs can be expensive. Zenko lets easily manage this multiple cloud scenario with a single policy. In addition, it lets developers pick the most cost-effective combination of storage options: without Zenko, if data is stored in AWS but analyzed in Google, you would incur in expensive charges while moving data out of Amazon.

The second demo shows the ability of Zenko to replicate data across three regions in AWS. One known limitation of S3 is that replication is limited to two regions. Replicating data to more than two regions allows to increase data resiliency and security. For example, companies that need a point of presence in Asia, Europe and US West can keep data closer to the point of consumption. Similar challenges for companies that collect data and need to comply with data sovereignty regulations like GDPR. Zenko’s replication augments AWS’s basic capability.

Enjoy the demos and try them out for free on Zenko Orbit.

Simple, secure S3 object storage software for modern applications