Why did we call it Zenko?

Story time! In Asian mythologies (Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and Indian at least), foxes have held a strong role since the 11th century. The Konjaku Monogatarishu, a collection of Ancient Tales from Asia, is the first written reference we have to zenkos. It gains tails as it matures and, after 100 years, when reaching its final […]

Written By Laure Vergeron

On July 10, 2017

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Solve the challenges of large-scale data, once and for all.

Story time! In Asian mythologies (Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and Indian at least), foxes have held a strong role since the 11th century. The Konjaku Monogatarishu, a collection of Ancient Tales from Asia, is the first written reference we have to zenkos.

It gains tails as it matures and, after 100 years, when reaching its final stage, it has 9 tails, and may then become a zenko. (fun fact: did you know Tails, the character from Sonic The Hedgehog, is a zenko?)

Zenkos are celestial, benevolent foxes, who attached themselves to Samurai families, protecting them in exchange for housing. And Zenko strives to be a role-model in the open source world, by attaching itself to the open source contributors and users, and protecting their technical endeavors.

Foxes are, among other things, universal. We talked about zenko as a Japanese word, but there are divine occurrences of the fox globally: in Peru, there was a Fox god for the Andean people; in Egypt, foxes were good omens; in Persia, foxes were the equivalent of Charon; for a number of Native People from North America, the fox spirit was a strong one… And Zenko is global. Its core engineering team is split between France, the USA, and New Zealand, and its contributors come from very diverse backgrounds… object (and file) storage is a universal need, Zenko is aiming at providing a universal answer.

S3 Server

S3 Server Hackathon – October, 2016

Finally, foxes are smart, witty, artful, aware, swift, playful, brave… you name it.

Zenko is all of that. And even more so every time one of you joins our community. Welcome to Zenko, zenkos!


Simple, secure S3 object storage software for modern applications